St. Joseph & St. Patrick,
Roman Catholic Parish,
Diocese of Paisley.
Parish Priest: Canon Desmond Berry
St. Joseph and St. Patrick is a Roman Catholic community of faith seeking to live the presence of Jesus Christ by the way we worship God, celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and serve one another and our neighbours.
We offer the facility of registering to receive our eBulletin via email. If you would like our news to arrive in your inbox, please sign-up.

Parish Newsletters
Use the following links to access recent issues of the print version of our parish newsletter.
February 2025
January 2025
Featured News
SCIAF Coffee Morning
Saturday, 22nd February, 11am – 1pm
Tickets for the SCIAF coffee morning are on sale after Masses this weekend. Raffle tickets will be available next weekend.
Donations of raffle prizes are very welcome and can be added to the box in the porch.
The Inverclyde Across to Lourdes group will be travelling by Jumbulance to Lourdes this year from 17th till 26th July .
There will be a meeting for everyone travelling this year in St John’s Church Hall , Port Glasgow , on Wednesday 12th February at 6pm.
For more information call Jean on 07483 242914 or Cathie on 07837 210261
The Cameron Centre in Largs
The Cameron Centre in Largs is running a Heat Hub every Tuesday in February between 10am -12 noon for anyone over the age of 60. It is going to be supported by Soups & Scoops in Largs and The Fish Works, so as well as free Tea , coffee and biscuits, there is a possibility of Soup & fish and Chips
It is completely free to attend and you do not have to be a member of the Cameron Centre, 17-19 Lade Street, Largs KA30 8AZ, situated on the street behind the Post Office Everyone Welcome.
Dates for the Diary
February 22nd
SCIAF Coffee Morning
March 1st
Fundraising Dinner
Greenock Town Hall
March 14th
St Patrick’s Night Quiz
Parish Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle are here to help pray for your intentions. If you would like them to help with your intention, please put the request into the box in the porch. You can also make a request through ChurchSuite at It can be anonymous if you wish.